NES Classic: Review

Aside from this, I work in retail at a big chain of department stores here in the U.S. and we sell video games also. Last winter was amazingly difficult for both gamers and parents to get their hands on a small, yet nostalgic artifact by Nintendo: The NES Classic.

“What’s the NES Classic?” Well, the NES Classic is a miniature version of the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) that comes pre-loaded with 30 games including the original “Super Mario Bros.” and other titles like “The Legend of Zelda,” “Castlevania,” “Mega Man,” etc. It comes included with one controller, an HDMI cord, and the plugs to power the console.

When the announcement for the console came, I was surprised and wanted the console in my hands. But the reality was far more interesting, there were limited quantities to the console and the production for the console was really quite low this time around and nobody actually could get their hands on them.

I got mine while I was doing an opening shift and got it at the retail price of $64.64 (after taxes), instead of buying it online for more than $200 thanks to resellers. So, it was a miracle to find some while working that day and then later enjoying the games featured in the console.

I enjoyed playing it the first time I bought it and spent half of my day playing “Super Mario Bros. 3” and “Castlevania II” on it and it was a lot of fun. But, I was hoping to find more titles on the console, such as Japanese titles previously not released in the U.S. and that didn’t happen. People were trying to hack the miniature console and failed to find anything on it. As a discussion, I was actually hoping they included a “Virtual Console” in there to buy some other titles for the console.

The controls are kind of short and overpriced on Amazon. Really, there isn’t that much to cover about this console except for the prices of each its items.

Overall, the NES Classic is great if you had the original and want a smaller and less expensive console in your home to play with some classic games like “Super Mario Bros.” and other titles.